Uniform Policy
All safety, game, and training requirements follow the minimum MAYSA, WYSA and USYSA guidelines for club soccer.
Norski SC asks parents to please take ownership of the safety requirements - do not let the responsibility fall solely to the Coaches!
For everyone’s safety, foot attire & jewelry policies apply to BOTH games and practice.
Any players requiring splints or casts must be cleared by the MAYSA offices prior to play with splint or casts.
Jewelry (all ages):
For everyone’s safety, NO jewelry is allowed at any time. This includes any and all piercings on the head. No chains, watches or rubber wristbands. Sweat style headbands and wristbands are allowed, hard hair clips and pins are not.
Foot & Shin Attire (all ages):
Players must have proper foot and shin attire to participate. This includes either Soccer cleats or “sneaker” (tennis) shoes. Baseball, softball, football or golf style cleat patterns are not allowed. If your team plays a winter indoor session, please see your team’s specific facility guidelines. All players must wear shin guards covered by socks or other athletic attire at all times.
Training attire (U9-U19):
All competitive age players (9U and older) should be in appropriate athletic style shorts, training pants and shirts that are acceptable for training in. No jeans or other attire with heavy embellishments. In an effort to allow the DOC and coaches to easily differentiate teams with simple practice vests, we ask all competitive age players to wear upper body attire that is black, gray or white to their trainings.